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Quick Facts

Average Rent : 200€-300€ after CAF
                           (Private/Student résidence)
Monthly transport pass : 12,50€
Last passage of public transport : 00h35
Number of Malaysian student : Around 8

Interviewee : Ranishah Sanmugam
                        Lau Yu Ping
                        Chong John Chuah

Q : Why did you choose to do your study in this city and how did it differ from your expectations?

Ranishah : Because my friends were there. I did not really have any expectations in the first place.
Yu Ping : It has a moderate living cost including the rental fee.
Chong John : I chose to go to Rennes because the IUT interested me. I still think IUT de Rennes is pretty cool so far. The teachers are nice.

Q : What do you like and dislike about this city?

Ranishah : There’s a lot places to shop but as it’s a  “ville étudiante”, it can get noisy on Thursday nights.
Yu Ping : There are quite many shops places but less interesting places to visit.
Chong John : The weather is a bit gloomy but the people are super cool and the local specialties are to die for.

Q : What were the difficulties that you faced here? How did you overcome them?

Ranishah : Since we don’t have a car here, it was very hard to carry around stuff like a microwave oven when we first moved in . I overcame it by asking my friends to help me.
Yu Ping : The process of the CAF application in Rennes is slow.
Chong John : No particular difficulties so far.

Q : What did you like to do in the city for leisure purposes?

Ranishah : Watch my friend Shonn skate.
Yu Ping : Jogging along the river
Chong John : I go for a run around the city or I go out with some friends.

Q : How did you find the locals in the city?

Ranishah : Friendly and welcoming.
Yu Ping : I am not sure.
Chong John : They are very nice once you get to know them! Generally you have to approach them first though.

Q : Share your favourite memory in this city/your department.

Ranishah : The time when my friends and i went to the beach.
Yu Ping : I like the vibe of this city because there are many young people.
Chong John : I haven’t been here too long so I don’t have much to say but I do cherish the times I get to hang out with my friends here!

Q : Where can you get halal food?

Ranishah : In the halal section of the supermarket
Chong John : There is a halal section in the supermarket but I’m not sure where the halal boucherie is

IUT de Rennes

Interviewee : Ranishah SANMUGAM (DUT Chimie)
                         Chong John CHUAH (DUT Génie Civil)

Q : How do you find the teachers and the environment in your department

Ranishah: The teachers are really nice and helpful. They reply emails quickly and are happy to answer questions, The environment is okay.
Chong John : The teachers are nice. The general environment of the department is pretty serious but at the same time its not stressful

Q : How do you find the international student support in your department/école?

Ranishah: Not much but we do get 15% additional time during exams for the first year.
Chong John : I don’t really feel a strong international student support but they’re always willing to help whenever I have questions!

Q : Describe the student life (Sports, night life, cultural events)

Ranishah: Rennes is city where there are a lot of students. So there are alot of activities that are offered by various student bodies
Chong John : There are plenty of students here so you can make lots of friends! Night life here can get pretty crazy but in a fun way!

Q : How do you go to class?

Ranishah:  10 mins walk.
Chong John : 10 mins walk.

École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie Rennes

Interviewee : LAU Yu Ping (Classe préparatoire 1ère année)

Q : How do you find the teachers and the environment in your department

Yu Ping : The teachers are nice and there are many international students from others countries.

Q : How do you find the international student support in your department/école?

Yu Ping : N/A.

Q : Describe the student life (Sports, night life, cultural events)

Yu Ping : There are many bars in Rennes where many students will hang out on thursday evening.

Q : How do you go to class?

Yu Ping : 5 mins walk.