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Tag: MASAF Pen

ஒரு அழகான பிணைப்பு

மூழ்காத ஒரே கப்பல் நட்பு என்று ஏன் சொல்கிறார்கள் தெரியுமா?ஏனெனில், ஒவ்வொரு கணத்திலும், ஒவ்வொரு பயணத்திலும், நாம் பல உறவுகளை இழக்கிறோம், ஆனால்  நண்பர்கள் மட்டுமே இறுதி

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The Self-Talk Effect

I tend to find myself in this situation. The bus is in front of me, mocking my forgetfulness, as I

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A Piece Of Home

I am the younger sister of someone called Phaya. I’m not a fan of his nickname, but it’s what everyone

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What do you mean it gets darker quicker?  Why is it so gloomy everyday?  Why is it even exam season

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You are an Illusion

There’s a Japanese saying that says, “Everyone has three faces: the first face you show to the world, the second

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Sebatang Pensel: The Untold Tale

AMARAN: cerita ini bukan for the faint-hearted. Anda bakal menyeberangi lautan euforia, menerokai rimba kemurungan, dan tersesat di gurun keberangan.

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Coffee House Discourse

I should take a step back from politics, I thought. I think it was three weeks into my exchange semester. 

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The Science of Letting Go

“What is your first thought when you think about ‘letting go’?” The replies to this question would usually string back

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